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| template <class T> class IMatrix { public: virtual int cols() = 0; virtual int rows() = 0; virtual void set(int row, int col, T e) = 0; virtual T get(int row, int col) = 0;
virtual string to_string() { stringstream ss; for (int i = 0; i < rows(); i++) { ss << "["; for (int j = 0; j < cols(); j++) { ss << get(i, j); if (j != cols() - 1) ss << ","; } ss << "]" << endl; } return ss.str(); } };
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template <class T> class NormalMatrix : public IMatrix<T> { private: vector<T> _vec; int _cols, _rows;
public: explicit NormalMatrix(int rows, int cols, T defaultValue) { _cols = cols; _rows = rows; _vec = vector<T>(rows * cols, defaultValue); }
explicit NormalMatrix(IMatrix<T>& mat) { _cols = mat.cols(); _rows = mat.rows(); _vec = vector<T>(_rows * _cols); for (int i = 0; i < _rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < _cols; j++) { _vec[i * _cols + j] = mat.get(i, j); } } }
inline int cols() override { return _cols; } inline int rows() override { return _rows; } inline void set(int row, int col, T e) override { _vec[row * cols() + col] = e; } inline T get(int row, int col) override { return _vec[row * cols() + col]; } };
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| template <class T> class TransposeMatrix : public IMatrix<T> { private: IMatrix<T>& _mat;
public: explicit TransposeMatrix(IMatrix<T>& mat) : _mat(mat) {} inline int cols() override { return _mat.rows(); } inline int rows() override { return _mat.cols(); } inline void set(int row, int col, T e) override { _mat.set(col, row, e); } inline T get(int row, int col) override { return _mat.get(col, row); } };
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| template <class T> class CominorMatrix : public IMatrix<T> { private: IMatrix<T>& _mat; int _row; int _col;
public: explicit CominorMatrix(IMatrix<T>& mat, int row, int col) : _mat(mat), _row(row), _col(col) {}
inline int cols() override { return _mat.cols() - 1; } inline int rows() override { return _mat.rows() - 1; } inline void set(int row, int col, T e) override { __throw_runtime_error("CominorMatrix cannot be set value"); } inline T get(int row, int col) override { return _mat.get(row < _row ? row : row + 1, col < _col ? col : col + 1); } };
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| template <class T> T determinant(IMatrix<T>& mat) { if (mat.cols() != mat.rows()) { string s = mat.to_string(); s += "determinant matrix columns not equal to rows"; __throw_runtime_error(s.c_str()); } if (mat.cols() == 1) { return mat.get(0, 0); }
T sig = 1; T sum = 0; for (int c = 0; c < mat.cols(); c++) { CominorMatrix<T> cm(mat, 0, c); T cominor = determinant(cm);
sum += sig * mat.get(0, c) * cominor; sig *= -1; } return sum; }
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| template <class T> class AdjugateMatrix : public IMatrix<T> { private: IMatrix<T>& _mat;
public: explicit AdjugateMatrix(IMatrix<T>& mat) : _mat(mat) {} inline int cols() override { return _mat.rows(); } inline int rows() override { return _mat.cols(); } inline void set(int row, int col, T e) override { __throw_runtime_error("AdjugateMatrix cannot be set value"); } inline T get(int row, int col) override { int sgn = (row + col) % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1; CominorMatrix<T> cm(_mat, col, row); T cominor = determinant(cm); return sgn * cominor; } };
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| template <class T,class E> class TransformMatrix : public IMatrix<E> { private: IMatrix<T>& _mat; function<E(int, int, T)> _proc;
public: explicit TransformMatrix(IMatrix<T>& mat, function<E(int, int, T)> proc) : _mat(mat), _proc(proc) {} inline int cols() override { return _mat.cols(); } inline int rows() override { return _mat.rows(); } inline void set(int row, int col, E e) override { __throw_runtime_error("InversionMatrix cannot be set value"); } inline E get(int row, int col) override { return _proc(row, col, _mat.get(row, col)); } };
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| template <class T> class InversionMatrix : public IMatrix<double> { private: IMatrix<T>& _mat;
public: explicit InversionMatrix(IMatrix<T>& mat) : _mat(mat) {} inline int cols() override { return _mat.cols(); } inline int rows() override { return _mat.rows(); } inline void set(int row, int col, double e) override { __throw_runtime_error("InversionMatrix cannot be set value"); } inline double get(int row, int col) override { T det = determinant(_mat); AdjugateMatrix<T> am(_mat); TransformMatrix<T,double> tfm(am, [det](int row, int col, T e) { return double(e) / double(det); }); return tfm.get(row, col); } };
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| int main() { const int m = 3; NormalMatrix<int> nm(m, m, 0); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { nm.set(i, j, i * m + j); } }
InversionMatrix<int> im(nm); cout<< im.to_string()<<endl; return 0; }