Overview and Purpose

This document describes the on-media FAT file system format.
This document is written to help guide development of FAT implementations that are compatible with those provided by Microsoft.


This document does not describe all algorithms contained in the Microsoft FAT file system driver implementation neither does it describe all algorithms contained in associated utilities (Microsoft format and chkdsk utilities).
However, it is expected that the reader will refer to the Microsoft Corporation FAT file system reference source code for additional clarification as/when needed.

该文档不会描述包含在Microsoft FAT 文件系统驱动中的所有算法。也没有描述包含在相关工具中的所有算法(Microsoft format(格式化工具) and chkdsk(磁盘检查工具))。

There are three variants of the FAT on-disk format, namely:

FAT 在磁盘上的格式有以下三种变体,分别叫做:

  • FAT12
  • FAT16
  • FAT32

Data structures comprising all three variants are described here.

Also provided are descriptions of specific algorithms that will be useful to the engineer implementing a FAT driver for reading and/or writing to media.
It is expected that the FAT Test Specification document will be used by the reader to validate interoperability and correctness of the resultant FAT implementation.


Section 1: Definitions and Notations

1.1 Definitions

  • byte

    A string of binary digits operated upon as a unit.


  • bad (defective) sector

    A sector whose contents cannot be read or one that cannot be written.


  • file

    A named stream of bytes representing a collection of information.


  • sector

    A unit of data that can be accessed independently of other units on the media


  • cluster

    A unit of allocation comprising a set of logically contiguous sectors. Each cluster within the volume is referred to by a cluster number “N”. All allocation for a file must be an integral multiple of a cluster.


  • partition

    An extent of sectors within a volume.


  • volume

    A logically contiguous sector address space as specified in the relevant standard for recording.


1.2 Notation

Numerical Notation

Numbers in decimal notation are represented by decimal digits, namely 0 to 9.


Numbers in hexadecimal notation are represented as a sequence of one or more hexadecimal digits namely 0 to 9 and A to F, prefixed by “0x”.


Zero represents a single bit with the value 0.


Arithmetic Notation

The notation ip(x) shall mean the integer part of x.


The notation ceil(x) shall mean the minimum integer that is greater than x.


The notation rem(x,y) shall mean the remainder of the integer division of x by y.


Section 2: Volume Structure

A FAT file system volume is composed of four basic regions, which are laid out in this order on the volume:


  • 0 – Reserved Region


  • 1 – FAT Region


  • 2 – Root Directory Region (doesn’t exist on FAT32 volumes)


  • 3 – File and Directory Data Region


The below figure illustrates the four regions in a volume formatted FAT:


All of the FAT file systems were originally developed for the IBM PC machine architecture.
Hence, on disk data structures for the FAT format are all “little endian.”


To illustrate, below is an instance of a 32-bit FAT entry stored on disk as a series of four 8-bit bytes—the first being byte[0] and the last being byte[3]. The 32 bits numbered 00 through 31 are stored as follows (00 being the least significant bit):


byte[3] 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4

byte[2] 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6

byte[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8

byte[0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Section 3: Boot Sector and BPB

The BPB (BIOS Parameter Block) is located in the first sector of the volume in the Reserved Region.
This sector is sometimes called the “boot sector” or the “0 th sector”.
The important fact to note is that this sector is simply the first sector of the volume.
All FAT volumes must have a BPB in the boot sector. The BPB has evolved over the years as follows:

  • The FAT implementation in MS-DOS 1.x did not include a BPB (introduced in MS-DOS 2.x)

    在MS-DOS 1.x中FAT的实现不包含BPB(它在MS-DOS 2.x中被引入)

  • The BPB in MS-DOS 3.x was modified to allow > 64K sectors

    在MS-DOS 3.x 中 BPB被修改为允许大于64K个扇区。

  • For FAT32, the BPB differs from that for FAT16/FAT12 beginning at offset 36

    对于FAT32文件系统,BPB 与 FAT16/FAT12 的 BPB 不同,它从偏移量 36 开始。

The BPB in the boot sector of a FAT volume must always have all of the BPB fields for either the FAT12/FAT16 or FAT32 BPB type.
This ensures maximum compatibility of the FAT volume and will also ensure that all FAT file system drivers understand and support the volume correctly.

这确保了 FAT 卷的最大兼容性,也将确保所有 FAT 文件系统驱动程序正确识别和支持该卷。


In the following description, all the fields whose names start with BPB_ are part of the BPB.

All the fields whose names start with BS_ are part of the boot sector and not really part of the BPB.




The fields comprising the BPB are described further in this section.


3.1 BPB structure common to FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32 implementations

The below table describes the fields in the BPB that are common to all FAT variants.



Offset: 0 byte

Size: 3 bytes

Jump instruction to boot code. This field has two
allowed forms:


jmpBoot[0] = 0xEB, jmpBoot[1] = 0x??, jmpBoot[2] = 0x90


jmpBoot[0] = 0xE9, jmpBoot[1] = 0x??, jmpBoot[2] = 0x??

0x?? indicates that any 8-bit value is allowed in
that byte.

0x?? 表示在那个字节中的任意允许的8位数。

What this forms is a three-byte Intel x86
unconditional branch (jump) instruction that jumps
to the start of the operating system bootstrap code.

这形成了intel x86的三字节无条件分支(jump)指令去跳转到操作系统引导代码的起始位置。

This code typically occupies the rest of sector 0 of
the volume following the BPB and possibly other
sectors. Either of these forms is acceptable.
JmpBoot[0] = 0xEB is the more frequently used

此代码通常占据 BPB 之后的卷的其余扇区 0 以及可能的其他扇区。这些形式中的任何一种都是可以接受的。JmpBoot[0] = 0xEB 是使用最频繁的格式。


Offset: 3 byte

Size: 8 bytes

OEM Name Identifier.
Can be set by a FAT implementation to any desired value.
Typically this is some indication of what system formatted the volume.

OEM 名称标识。


Offset: 11 byte

Size: 2 bytes

Count of bytes per sector.
This value may take on only the following values: 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096.

这个值通常只接受以下值:512, 1024, 2048 or 4096


Offset: 13 byte

Size: 1 bytes

Number of sectors per allocation unit. This value must be a power of 2 that is greater than 0. The legal values are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128.



Offset: 14 byte

Size: 2 bytes

Number of reserved sectors in the reserved region of the volume starting at the first sector of the volume.
This field is used to align the start of the data area to integral multiples of the cluster size with respect to the start of the partition/media.
This field must not be 0 and can be any non-zero value.
This field should typically be used to align the start of the data area (cluster #2) to the desired alignment unit, typically cluster size.




该字段通常应该被用于对齐数据域的起点(簇 #2)到期望的对齐单元。通常是簇的大小。


Offset: 16 byte

Size: 1 bytes

The count of file allocation tables (FATs) on the volume. A value of 2 is recommended although a value of 1 is acceptable.



Offset: 17 byte

Size: 2 bytes

For FAT12 and FAT16 volumes, this field contains the count of 32-byte directory entries in the root directory.
For FAT32 volumes, this field must be set to 0. For FAT12 and FAT16 volumes, this value should always specify a count that when multiplied by 32 results in an even multiple of BPB_BytsPerSec.
For maximum compatibility, FAT16 volumes should use the value 512.



Offset: 19 byte

Size: 2 bytes

This field is the old 16-bit total count of sectors on the volume. This count includes the count of all
sectors in all four regions of the volume.
This field can be 0; if it is 0, then BPB_TotSec32
must be non-zero. For FAT32 volumes, this field
must be 0.
For FAT12 and FAT16 volumes, this field contains
the sector count, and BPB_TotSec32 is 0 if the
total sector count “fits” (is less than 0x10000).


Offset: 21 byte

Size: 1 bytes

The legal values for this field are 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xF9,
0xFA, 0xFB, 0xFC, 0xFD, 0xFE, and 0xFF.
0xF8 is the standard value for “fixed” (non-
removable) media. For removable media, 0xF0 is
frequently used.


Offset: 22 byte

Size: 2 bytes

This field is the FAT12/FAT16 16-bit count of
sectors occupied by one FAT. On FAT32 volumes
this field must be 0, and BPB_FATSz32 contains
the FAT size count.


Offset: 24 byte

Size: 2 bytes

Sectors per track for interrupt 0x13.
This field is only relevant for media that have a
geometry (volume is broken down into tracks by
multiple heads and cylinders) and are visible on
interrupt 0x13.


Offset: 26 byte

Size: 2 bytes

Number of heads for interrupt 0x13. This field is
relevant as discussed earlier for BPB_SecPerTrk.
This field contains the one based “count of heads”.
For example, on a 1.44 MB 3.5-inch floppy drive
this value is 2.


Offset: 28 byte

Size: 4 bytes

Count of hidden sectors preceding the partition that
contains this FAT volume. This field is generally
only relevant for media visible on interrupt 0x13.
This field must always be zero on media that are
not partitioned.
NOTE: Attempting to utilize this field to align the
start of data area is incorrect.


Offset: 32 byte

Size: 4 bytes

This field is the new 32-bit total count of sectors on
the volume. This count includes the count of all
sectors in all four regions of the volume.
This field can be 0; if it is 0, then BPB_TotSec16
must be non-zero. For FAT12/FAT16 volumes, this
field contains the sector count if BPB_TotSec16 is
0 (count is greater than or equal to 0x10000).
For FAT32 volumes, this field must be non-zero.